the rabbit hole is an imaginary space:


it has propagated various platforms
such as an international residency program,
live theater happenings around the world,
and a philosophical think tank.

founded in new york in 2008, the collective - comprised of a mischievous group of artists, storytellers, and visionaries - numbers 2000+ in 56 countries.

the collective seeks to stimulate new ideas about the self and other and to challenge culturally constructed limits and borders. a manifesto, written by its founders, bases its principles on deconstruction, and the reinvention of rituals and forms.

underneath a foundation of festivity and a celebration of disruption, the rabbit hole has created provocative participatory shows at the chelsea art museum, a time traveling double decker bus in new york city, a catamaran in the mediterranean and a 21 day train journey across europe and the middle east, among others venues.


founders and company:


lynsey peisinger : athens
”durational performance” workshop.
performer, choreographer and director at marina abramovic institute.

personal website
marina abramovic website

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giovanna pezzullo : barcelona
”the memory of the body” workshop.
director, actress, smell design, dramaturgy coordinator, teatro de los sentidos.

personal website
teatro de los sentidos


banafsheh sayyad : los angeles
”geometric configurations around rhythm” workshop. persian mystic dance artist, choreographer, geometric embodiment.

personal website

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"the rabbit hole has always been a space that prioritized relationships between the sensual and intellectual, emphasizing through art and play the unity of seeming contradictions into a series of happy paradoxes. we looked paradox in the eye and summoned it to dance with us. the beauty in paradox--the care and attention we fade to it--was evident in each event down to the thrilling particulars, such an invitation with multiple component parts and materials ranging in composition from metal to parchment to the purely digital."

- don rodrigues, the madhatter, prof. vanderbilt university